Presence Collective is an online membership community that offers deep wisdom and the most effective practices for courageous hearts (like you) so you can be supported in living a life that you love and making a beautiful impact in this world, at this potent time.
“You are bringing me back to life, in small ways. The practices, tools and especially watching the videos helped me to remember how sacred I see everything. I’ve been so bogged down in domesticity and I have been numb, depressed. But this is really doing what I hoped- reconnecting me to simple practice.”
Harriet, Member
Join the Community
As a member you get access to all of this - and a new theme each month
Sacred Activism
How can you be an inspired, effective and practical agents of change where you live the perfect way for you to contribute to the collective wellbeing of the world bringing all aspects of yourself to everything you are and what you do.
Living with the Cycles of Life
Learn how to live with awareness of the natural cycles that effect your life including sleep cycles, sun cycles, lunar cycles, menstrual cycles and stages of life. This awareness means you can live riding these cycles rather than being ridden by them
Transforming Eco-Anxiety & Eco-Grief
This course takes you through a process of transforming your eco-anxiety into eco-grief and then into the activism and love that we need to be earth protectors at this time.
Presence Meditation 101
A guide to meditation including all the basic things you need to know to start, or a reminder if you want to get back into your practice. Comes with guided meditations to try daily.
Rituals for Wellbeing
How do you make time for the things that matter the most to you and actually do them? This course supports you to create daily habits, routines, and rituals that will lead you to living a healthy and thriving life.
Presence Collective Resources
A resource library for all the tools, practices, contemplation questions, book club discussion and tree whispers shared in Presence Collective. This is our community hub! (only available as part of the membership)
Why Presence?
In this time for new dreams, so many of us are asking how we can best live a life of purpose, truth and contribution where we align our inner reality to the way that we show up in the world.
How do we find the courage within, and inspire each other?
It’s not an easy journey, and one where there are no clear guidelines as we navigate living in systems that feel outdated and we long to be more connected to ourselves, each other and nature.
Some of us have tried “fixing ourselves”, “changing the world”, “numbing it all out” – or a combination of the three and not quite found what we were hoping for.
It can be hard to know what action to take for our own wellbeing and to make an impact.
It’s a challenge to stay present to ourselves, and the world we live in
Yet, Presence is the key
Presence allows us to show up in the moment with curiosity, radiance and openness as we embrace the mystery of this life and let our wisdom speak
All of this for you...
Presence Collective focuses on personal growth and wellbeing, in the context of where we are in this moment of time. Everything is designed to give you more support in the day to day living of your life whilst integrating your unique expression of sacred activism. As a founding member this is what is included:
Presence Meditation Course - perfect for beginners or experienced meditators
Rituals for Wellbeing - a guide to creating habits that support you
A heart felt community from all over the world with monthly calls and an online group for everyone to connect
A monthly theme with a video workshop, curation of practices, innovations and rituals, and book recomendations
A weekly contemplation question to strengthen your relationship with yourself
A monthly tree whisper (not shared anywhere else) – these are beautiful poems and wisdom that come directly from nature
Your Guide:

Amisha Ghadiali
Creator & Guide
I have created Presence Collective for you, so that we have a space to come alive in, together, with the raw truth of who we are and the courage that is being asked of us as we rise up in these exciting times.
You are committed to living with your heart open (along with good healthy boundaries) despite all the fear we are constantly sold
You want to live a more connected life with more space for meditation and the things that you know are supportive to your wellbeing
You want to make a beautiful impact with your life and create a beautiful future
You are new to spiritual or sustainable lifestyles and want guidance you can trust OR you are tired or weary of the “new cage” spirituality and want something more grounded
You want to unlearn some of the constructs that keep you trapped in the old paradigm
You find that your life has cycles – sometimes things flow and sometimes you meet challenges despite all the ways in which you have grown
You need permission to be human and unashamed of the messiness and contradictions in your life
You want to live your life fully alive and awake – able to feel all the flavours of life
You want to open up your relationship with your intuition
You want community, guidance and support as you navigate the choices in your life
“Since I’ve been working with Amisha, I’ve felt my heart swell each week with gratitude and wonder at how blessed I am and how much space for beauty there is as I go slower and ‘take in the view’. It’s exactly what I hoped for and it feels like home.”

“Amisha has a magnetic and spacious presence and a heart of gold, which creates a strong and nurturing container for the work that she facilitates. She has clearly studied deeply and dived into her own personal work over a long period of time and this is reflected in her skill for deep listening and holding brave and healing space - and also a space which fuels creativity and Love. I am very grateful for Amisha’s presence in my life, in both friendship and for bringing her vision and social and spiritual activism into the world to to inspire each of us to find our own voice and gifts.”

“For the first time in my life, I can say with certainty that I am at peace with the path I am on. The work Amisha and I have done has unleashed my deepest, truest self.”
Why Presence Collective?
I have taken some time out to find alternatives to hosting workshops & retreats around the world and directly encouraging others to fly. I have also been thinking a lot about how these kinds of yoga, wellbeing, spiritual, sustainable living retreats are very white middle class, and it takes a lot of privilege to be able to go on them. So after ruminating this, I came up for the idea of this online community which is much more accessible. I will try and bring the same level intimacy I do to a retreat but in this way where it integrates more naturally into daily life, and it’s a much smaller financial investment. I am really excited to be creating a space that is not about striving for perfection, manifesting our dream lives or any of the other rubbish the new age tells us. But instead really speaks to the cycles of growth and offers community and insights for how to hold ourselves through them – especially at this potent time in the world story. I have been exploring these teachings and practices for over 15 years and I want to share what I have discovered in a way that is more personal, deep and intentional than I feel is possible on open social media channels. I also love that it’s open to people who live in more rural areas and might not have people around to talk about this kind of thing with, and also parents who can’t get away for workshops but need support – the elderly, introverts and those who find the “white spaces” that this work is offered to uncomfortable – basically this is for anyone who can get online wherever in the world you are (if you understand the English language).
What kind of themes will we explore?
Throughout our time together we will explore the themes most relevant to the alchemical relationship of our inner and outer worlds – the place where who we are and the future we are creating meet. We go beyond silos and mix it up into themes that are the most useful for you. Themes we intend to explore together include Creativity, Death, Community, Unlearning, Sacred Activism, Living with Cycles, Nature, Service, Eco-anxiety, Flow and Embodiment.
Is Presence Collective for me?
If you find it challenging to stay on the path of connection, and you want structure and guidance to keep you grounded and connected to yourself, and if you find that you sometimes feel quite alone in your journey on the path of conscious living – this will offer a support system, a navigation system and a beautiful community to keep you inspired and showing up for yourself and the times we live in. My main belief which is at the centre of this is that nobody knows what you need better than YOU, and so I am sharing great tools and resources with you in the spirit of giving you choices, but with you being the one who feels what works for you when.
How is Presence Collective delivered and how much time will it require each month?
Once you join, you can simply log in and can access everything. Our online portal is very easy to navigate and you have access to the current month as well as all previous months. All you need is a computer, tablet or smartphone. I send an email every week sharing anything new that’s been added and your contemplation question – as well as to encourage and support you. As well as this you will be part of a group where you can connect to other members as we all navigate, support and share with each other. And you don’t need to be on facebook to access the community! You get to choose how much time you give to this. Everything is optional and given as a suggestion for you to try and see if it works for you. You are your biggest teacher, healer and guide – and so all this is offered as support. You can dive in deeply with a few hours a week as it’s designed to be simple to integrate into your daily life (that’s where all the real shifts happen!) You have access to all of it for as long as you are a member so you can keep referring back to whatever themes are the most useful for you at any particular time.
Is Presence Collective right for me if I am new to all of this?
Yes! I start from the beginning. I like to keep it both simple and deep so that you can dive in easily and meaningfully. We start with the basics including how to set up a daily practice and how to meditate. With the structure, support and community here you will have what you need. There is so much out there – books, workshops, podcasts, teachers, traditions, schools of thought – so the idea of this is to make it easier to navigate and find the more useful information.
I’ve been on my spiritual and conscious living path for many years. Will Presence Collective have anything to offer me?
Yes. We all need reminders, and so this might not all be new information to you, but likely it will be what you need to hear when you need to hear it. I am sharing a mixture of what I have learnt through my obsession and dedicated study into personal growth, innovation, sustainable and spiritual lifestyles and so I offer the best and most relevant tools I come across. I am constantly learning new things as the world changes which can support us – from practices, to supplements to new technologies and I share all this with you. And then of course you have the community too which is always helpful!
How is this different to Presence Mentoring?
Presence Mentoring is one to one support over six months, on the mentoring programme we do regular one to one sessions, using intuitive therapy to work directly with patterns as well as creating rituals together which you commit to throughout the programme. It also gives you access to ask anything throughout the mentoring programme as and when you need support. If you are doing Presence Mentoring, you have access to Presence Collective as part of it. It also works well to keep the flow going after the mentoring programme, or as an introduction into it. However there is so much value and community with Presence Collective, it is designed to offer support on a stand alone basis and you can always do one to one sessions with me alongside if you ever want to.
Why are there three different price options?
I wanted to offer this as something very accessible. In fact I don’t want anyone to be priced out of taking part. I am inspired by newer models of gift economy which are all part of us creating a beautiful future. I don’t have the tech set up to offer this on a donation basis, and so I am starting it on three different tiers, where you can choose the one that works best for you. I feel like this will strike the balance between allowing this project to support me (and production costs of The Future Is Beautiful podcast) and also make it possible for anyone who wants to join. I had been advised not to do a collective membership site but instead to create an expensive high value course – and I felt like I didn’t want to fall into that bullshit way of doing things! And so here is something that I know is of high value, that I am putting my heart into (as well as all the teachings I have been learning over the years) and offering it this way. As a guideline you can chose your tier based on income – of course take into account cost of living where you are and any dependents you have. But it goes something like this, if you earn less than £25k per year choose the lowest tier, £25-40K the middle and above £40K the highest. If you earn above £100K, please also make a donation to The Future Is Beautiful podcast. And if you lowest tier is currently too much of a stretch for you, then email me and we can figure it out! I believe that being open, transparent and generous with this will mean that we all get what we need to be nourished and supported.
How many people can join and when do I need to sign up by?
As you may know, I love transparency. I am very disillusioned with modern marketing tactics for the wellbeing world (and well in general in our capitalist system). I actually did a course about how to run successful online courses and realised I didn't feel comfortable manipulating you in all the ways they were teaching. So here is the thing, I am not trying to make it better value if you join sooner, or if you pay a higher price. I want you to join because you are inspired and pay the tier you can. I am making it high value because I want you to have this information and support - not based on a sense of the 'market' or what I feel it is worth in monetary terms. The world needs us to come alive in the ways this course guides us. Apparently you need a sense of urgency to actually sign up - and so it's this simple. As we do live in a capitalist world, I need a certain amount of people to join to make this happen and provide the costs to run this project - I am hoping you sign up immediately. In terms of numbers, it's hard to say how many as it depends on which price tier everyone chooses and also how quiet or chatty the people who join are so I can feel when it feels like a strong number but not too much. The limit is 200 but I imagine it will be less than that. I am feeling between 100-150 and when it feels full, I will close enrolment until somebody leaves when a space opens up again.
Stand Alone Courses
If you don't want to join the membership, you can purchase the following courses:
you may know Amisha from: